bona fide
/ˌbəʊnə ˈfʌɪdi,ˌbəʊnə ˈfiːdeɪ/
Adjective, in good faith. Genuine, genuine

BONA fide is driven by the desire to highlight talented artists,

craftsmen with unique know-how.

As well as a desire to manufacture high-end products,

and nevertheless "honest and responsible".

This is why all our collections are the result of collaborations, encounters...

Our perfumes, all exclusive and magnificent, were created by Nathalie Feisthauer,

a living legend of French perfumery.

Then manufactured in Grasse... Where else?

Our porcelains, made by Artoria, which for 100 years has been delighting us with its creations and awarded a "Living Heritage Company" in 2007, are illustrated by Armelle Tissier, a young and talented French illustrator.

… and we hope, many other beautiful encounters to come.

“Honest and responsible” products, designed and manufactured without compromise.

"Honest" because without compromise, neither on the choice of raw materials nor on the details that make a product a luxury product.

"Responsible" because as far as possible, we favor recyclable products. We monitor our carbon footprint very closely.

Our ceramics, made in Limoges and certified “Porcelaine de Limoges”,

are completely recyclable since they can be used as dishes on your tables

or reused, with our refills.

We manufacture in France, or further afield with our neighbours, which has the effect of considerably limiting our ecological footprint.

We do not use air or sea transport.

It's more expensive to make, but it's better for our environment and our children's future !

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  • je viens de recevoir ma première bougie dans un pochon en tissu le tout ans une belle boite . véritablement une oeuvre d ’art. j attends d autres couleurs , tailles et pourquoi pas d ’autres formes
    superbe merci. bernard

    meillet on
  • Très jolies bougies !
    Avez-vous une boutique sur Paris ?

    Michel on

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